Stop Losing Leads Tool Kit


A perfect bundle for business owners who are struggling to figure out where you are losing leads and what you need to change: this tool kit includes two digital resources that will help book more leads. If you want to stop getting ghosted and discover an innovative approach to keeping your leads engaged at every step of the investment process, this bundle is perfect for you!

Digital resources include:

  • 7-Page Guide to Stop Losing Leads: understand how to reverse engineering the booking process - working from the finish line when someone books you back to the beginning when someone first comes across your business - you can stop losing out on ideal clients and fix the problem moving forward.

  • Lead Conversion Checklists: access 3 unique checklists - one for each stage of the booking process - to help you troubleshoot where you’re losing leads and learn how to keep them engaged.

While these digital resources have standalone value, they are designed to complement our Mae&Co Monthly Stop Losing Leads module. Click here to learn more about Mae&Co Monthly and access these courses.

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